First bring the fabric cut to rash squares. Second Bring the fabric to stretch with the hoop. Third Insert the thread into the needle and stitch it. Fourth Folded together to each side 5 cm. Fifth Sew zip with the bag. Sixth Sew the side pockets.
Sunthorn Phu’s Day Experience got from The experience gained is a presentation. Is that we have to prepare and find information before and answering questions about Sunthorn Phu's Day , giving us more knowledge Participation Working with all levels and exchanging ideas and knowing that sharing, because if giving a hard job, only one task, the job will be slow. Impression Feel good to work together and Everyone is harmonious Answer questions, help each other and everyone to cooperate. Creativity Have thought about what we would wear as a character and how to wear clothes to match the characters we have.
HOW TO GROW CORN When your plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, thin them so they are 8 to 12 inches apart. Be careful not to damage the roots when weeding. Soil must be well drained and able to keep consistent moisture. In dry conditions, be sure to keep corn well watered due to its shallow roots. Water at a rate of 5 gallonsper sq yard. Mulch helps reduce evaporation.